Pop-Up for The 8 Principles (5)

Stop Performing & Start Leading with Your Truth

Free Training: Access 9 Mini-Audio Trainings and Guided Integration Worksheets to Reclaim Your Potency

Hey leader,

have you found yourself feeling…


➤ Depleted in your business?

➤ Unseen in your personal relationships?

➤ Resentful towards your clients?

➤ Like you have a love/hate relationship with social media?

➤ Too exhausted to “show up”?

➤ As if you have to be “on” all the time?

Let’s be honest: In a world that is rampant with performative leadership, I know firsthand, it can often feel challenging to be who you be, without the masks, especially in the current climate of cancel and shame culture. 

And, it’s often our unconscious fear of being “kicked from the tribe,” isolated or abandoned, misjudged, unworthy, and unloved that runs deep, and creates the misalignments in our lives, and in our businesses.

These misalignments drain us, dim our potency, and keep us feeling like we have to hold ourselves (and our truth) back from the world.

And yet, your potency - your true self, is the exact medicine that is needed by your community and those you’re here to serve. 

It’s time to own and fully step into your potent leadership.


Join me in "The 8 Principles" of Potent Leadership, where you'll learn the 8 Guiding Principles to stop performing, and start leading with your truth.


Because of Potent Leaders, I am better equipped to embody the leader I was born to be. Ruby guides this container with conviction and compassion and is not afraid to light a fire or encourage rest as needed. Whatever you need, she’ll help you get out of your own way so you can get it. The support of other leaders throughout the 4-months really makes this group coaching experience worthwhile. I highly recommend Potent Leaders to leaders ready to take their life and business to the next level.
Jesse Simpson
Transformational Coach + Retreat Facilitator, Host of The Action Hour Podcast
Potent Leaders supported me in remembering why I do what I do, who I am at my core, and feeling confident in sharing it unapologetically. Being in Ruby’s container by itself is a teaching. The way she holds space, her presence, her authenticity, her depth and her devotion to her soul’s message already show the way. Here we can be totally transparent and still be seen and feel like the best version of ourselves. Deep thanks to Ruby for walking your talk so potently and gracefully. And thank you for being this amazing leader and human being.
Lucille Fauque
Founder of Alive Breathwork

As a member, you'll have access to...

  • A 1-hour one-on-one Initiation session.
  • Weekly 75-minute group Activation sessions.
  • Our private Slack group for coaching, support, and connection between sessions.
  • A 1-hour one-on-one Integration session.
  • A community of like-minded leaders who see you and ‘get’ you.

Your investment:

$3,333 pay in full OR 3 payments of $1200

It feels incredible, as a client, to be held in a container where the coach doesn’t judge you, wish you were further along, or put herself on a pedestal. Ruby connects with us as fellow humans with her masterful coaching skills. It’s the first time I’ve experienced this type of energy in a coach, as well as how embodied she is with her coaching.
Kathleen Parent
Intuitive Coach
I felt like I was already on the path to not giving a fuck about other's opinions, but after working with you, I can honestly say that I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin: who I am, what I stand for, and who my tribe is.
Andrea Feldman
Holistic Health Consultant
Potent Leaders reignited my inner flame. It’s a thought-provoking incubator that helped me dive deep to bring powerful insights to the work that I’m doing and has allowed me the safe and supportive space to integrate and embody them in order to bring them to the world in a new and potent way.
Sarah Ashman
Brand Strategist + Creative Catalyst

Frequently asked questions

Activate your presence.

Serve with integrity.

Dare to be a Potent Leader.