Welcome to Our Journey

Dear Leader, your spiritual liberation starts here. It's time for you to heal your trauma so you can live out your Dharma and lead with integrity.


Reclaim your potency.

As your Coach, Mentor, and Spiritual Guide, I will help you dive deeper than ever so you can rise higher than ever. This is about you coming face-to-face with all that makes you who you are today so you can acknowledge the untruths you’ve been living, break free from the old patterns you’ve been replaying, heal your trauma, and reclaim your potency. 

You've been diluting yourself for far too long.

Whether a habit of people-pleasing, fear of judgment, trauma, or an ancestral wound is holding you back from living your truth and leading your Dharma, it’s time for you to journey within so you can uncover who you are, reimagine your relationship with God, and reclaim your potency.

Within our journey together, you will be met with curiosity, compassion, and care while being treated as an individual. I will show up with humility and heart, embracing my humanity while encouraging you to do the same. My intention is to leave you feeling deeply seen, fully heard, and profoundly acknowledged, as I believe this is the deepest medicine I can offer to support your healing journey. 

My six-month journey with Ruby was deeply profound and transformative. It was a spiritual odyssey–a journey of rediscovering my true self. With her guidance, I delved into self-reflection, observing myself without judgment. Ruby possesses a unique style—she listens attentively, offers direction, and guides without imposing judgment or personal opinion. Instead, she relies on intuition, fostering a connection built on truth.

Ruby's role as a guide and facilitator was pivotal in creating a safe and nurturing environment for inner exploration and healing. She skillfully unveiled my blind spots, helping me see what had always been present but perhaps unnoticed. Through her support, I embarked on a journey of self-realization and self-love.

It's remarkable how such experiences can lead to greater self-awareness, acceptance, and resilience. I am immensely grateful to Ruby for her unwavering dedication and for generously sharing herself on my journey of self-discovery.

Who is this journey for?

It’s for purpose-driven humans ready to stop performing and start BEING. It’s for those who have devoted themselves to serving others and want their lives to be about more than just the external definition of success. It’s for leaders who yearn to go deeper into their inner work to show up for themselves, their Dharma, and those they serve with more integrity and reverence. 

This space is here for you.

It’s a space to feel seen, heard, and understood. It’s a space for you to lean in, be held, and be held accountable. And it’s a space that welcomes all of you–the light, the shadows, and the darkness.

It's time to remember who you are.

It’s time for you to feel free in every way. It’s time to embrace all parts of yourself–the dark, the light, and the shadowy space in between. It’s time to lead your Dharma with absolute clarity and conviction. It’s time for you to build your life and legacy your way, in complete alignment with your truth. It’s time for you to be successful on your terms. It’s time for you to experience the joy that comes through true spiritual liberation. It’s time to stop diluting who you are and start owning your potency.

Working with Ruby is an opportunity to witness your own metamorphosis with a nurturing guide who will challenge you to become who you’ve always known you could be. I felt very seen, considered, and appreciated the space she held, the knowledge she embodied, and the questions she posed as she elevated the conversation and challenged me.
Working with Ruby was an incredibly powerful and transformative experience. With her guidance, I raised my standard of integrity, more authentically expressed myself, and aligned things in my life with my deepest purpose. Ruby truly saw me and created a powerful container for me to shed what no longer served me and embody my core truth.

My Coaching Ideology

Nobody Needs a Coach.

Fact. Coaching is for those seeking to go deep to reach the next stage of their conscious evolution.

I'm here to serve you, not please you.

Powerful coaching occurs when your coach guides you into conversations you’ve been most afraid to have.

Discomfort is part of the process.

Facing your shadows, meeting your darkness, and healing trauma is challenging, yet this is the work.

Every conversation presents an opportunity.

Enter every single coaching conversation with the intention of being fully present for whatever may arise.

Coaching is built to challenge you.

This is not for those who are seeking a magic button. Coaching invites you to put in the effort required to create desired results.

Truth wins.

Despite how uncomfortable or unbearable a truth may feel, powerful coaching is about showing you what you have yet to see or telling you what others have not dared to say.

Evolution Is The Only Objective.

Nothing else matters.

Your Results Are Your Responsibility.

You are responsible for showing up in a way that will lead you to fulfilling your vision.

Integration Is Necessary.

Results require application, not just learning.

Devotion Is Required.

You must be devoted to your growth, evolution, and healing. Without devotion, there is no commitment.


My Offerings

1:1 Guidance Session

A 2-hour intuitive session to help you gain clarity and alignment by revealing what you have yet to see.

 If you seek immediate support to help you quiet the voices around you and guide you back to yourself, this session is for you. Whether you’re feeling stuck, uncertain, or experiencing resistance in your life, leadership, &/or business, the guidance you’ll receive in this session will help you move forward confidently. These sessions can also serve as integration support for entheogenic medicine and include one week of additional Voxer support.


Book Your Session

1:1 Journey

3 months of deep support and guidance to help you develop a deeper presence, and build intimacy and integrity in your life and leadership.

During this journey, you will be guided to explore your inner knowing, fostering a profound and intimate relationship with yourself while confronting your truths. Within this space, you will heal your trauma and gain clarity on your Dharma. Together, we will work to create a life and business that feels aligned and full of joy while also learning how to lead with absolute integrity. All sessions will be held via Zoom.


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The Sacred Initiation

6 months of profound inner work to help you reclaim your potency and initiate a rebirth fully aligned with your truth and Dharma.

The Sacred Initiation includes trauma-informed coaching sessions, mentorship, and private, earth-based medicine ceremonies to provide lasting change that will impact your life and leadership. This experience is designed to help you heal from trauma, release old identities, and gain a profound understanding of your true self, empowering you to emerge as the leader you are meant to be. 


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The Leadership Council

A community by leaders, for leaders, designed to help you magnify your presence, deepen your service, and lead your purpose your way.

TLC is for conscious leaders who value integrity over image, connection over division, and collaboration over competition. It's an 8-month experience that includes two in-person retreats, bringing together ten leaders with diverse backgrounds and gifts to facilitate mutual learning and collective inner work. We are the elders of tomorrow, and TLC is here to stand for the world we wish to see.


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What My Clients Have Said...

What I gained from working with Ruby this past year will impact me over the next decade. I’m in integrity and know who I am, now more so than ever, and it feels so good. I keep telling myself, ‘This is just the beginning.’

My work with Ruby helped set the foundation for the best years of my life thus far. The level of trust and belief in myself to continue to bring forward my vision is outstanding.
Ruby's work is deep, and you won’t be ready for half of it, but that’s the part that changes you.

I feel aligned with my purpose, I have a sustainable business, I don't hustle anymore, and my life feels good instead of just "looking good" on social media. Most coaches cannot put their ego aside to facilitate client transformation, but she did, and she’s made me a better coach because now I do the same for my clients. The depth that I went through to heal is also the depth that I now guide my clients through.
If I could describe Ruby with one word, I would say without hesitation that she is extraordinary. I’ve worked with many other mentors, and I must share that Ruby embodies a Transformational Guide. One of my favorite sayings is, “People can only meet others as deeply as they’ve met themselves,” Ruby knows how to navigate those depths to meet others where they are.

Working with Ruby has been, by far, the most powerful and transformative journey I’ve been on. Ruby provides a sacred and safe space where I had the opportunity to undergo a death and rebirth process. With Ruby’s compassionate and nurturing guidance, I could remove the masks and allow myself to be witnessed as I was in those moments.

One of the things I deeply appreciate about Ruby is that she is an incredible listener. She is gifted with vision yet doesn’t force or impose her perspective onto you. Her wisdom guided me to discover my truth through her precise questions. By her challenging and encouraging me, I had the opportunity to unlearn what no longer served a purpose so that I could make space for the new. I can now lead a life that aligns with my heart and authentically express my truth.

Thank you for your devotion to serving and for guiding with integrity. I admire and honor your strength, your compassion, your grace, your wisdom, your courage, your vision, your encouragement, and your patience. Thank you for walking with me on my journey back home.
I hit rock bottom. I had visited countless doctors without getting any answers. I was exhausted and physically sick beyond diagnosis, and it wasn’t until much later I realized I was deeply, deeply unhappy. I knew something had to change, so I addressed my diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine. After many months of work, I felt improvement, but something else — something intangible — was holding me back. After hearing Ruby share some of her personal stories on a podcast I listened to frequently, I knew I had to reach out to her.

Looking back now, I realize that deciding to work with Ruby was the single most important catalyst of my growth journey. Ruby helped me to see that childhood trauma and loss had left a deep wound that needed attention after having been ignored for most of my life. She asked the difficult yet vitally important questions, which helped me to see my situation clearly, cut through my excuses, and commit myself fully to pursuing my dreams. She helped me see that I was living unauthentically and had created an identity constructed around the expectations I felt others held for me. She helped me to break free from the shackles I had put around my wrists, re-align with my true purpose, and understand that my time is now.

Finally, she helped me to love myself fully and believe in my ability to accomplish anything I put my mind, body, and soul to. Perhaps even more importantly, she also helped me forgive myself for believing anything contrary. I am so grateful for Ruby and the work she is doing.