282: Being Offline in an Online World
We live in a digital world that makes it easy to disconnect from the real world, but our real world offers us what we truly need.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery with Ruby Fremon, your guide on the Potent Truth Podcast. Through weekly guidance and channeled messages, Ruby and her guests, leaders who challenge the ‘norm,’ will help you break free from societal programming and embrace your potent truth through sovereign leadership.
It’s time for change. It’s time for Potent Truth. Tune in today.
We live in a digital world that makes it easy to disconnect from the real world, but our real world offers us what we truly need.
What’s it like to be a witch in today’s world? Tune in and find out. In this episode, I drop in with one of my closest friends, Chloe Elgar, for her...
Are you serving your clients, or are you retraumatizing your clients? This may seem like an absurd question to ask, yet more and more people are...
“Our level of success is always going to parallel our level of personal development.” A quote from Hal Elrod’s book, The Miracle Morning. Join me and...
You can lead your life with forced discipline, but that won’t get you very far. What you need is devotion. In this episode, I talk about the...
With many people preaching (and bragging) about their use of psychedelics, I am on a mission to bring reverence and respect back to the plant...
Rebirth is often glorified as a beautiful process, yet the reality of rebirth is that it is messy and can leave you feeling deeply confused about...
Death isn’t the end. It’s the beginning. And as I relaunch this podcast, I am honoring the biggest, longest, toughest journey through the darkest...