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The next council begins in January 2025.

Leading from your truth, daring to show up as yourself, and forging your own path in a world that encourages you to be like everyone else and do what everyone else is doing...

Can often be a lonely path.

And... It doesn’t have to be.

Maybe you can relate…

You know you’re here to be a leader and help move the conscious collective forward.

You understand that the “collective” is not something you’re separate from, but a part of… Which is why you continue to devote yourself over and over again to your own personal evolution as a leader.

And, since you value the inner-work, you’ve consciously sought out communities, masterminds, programs, and spaces to be a part of that promised to support you in deepening your leadership…

Only to have your inner “bullshit alarm” eventually sound off as you’ve seen beyond the veil and become present to deeper manipulation, tactics, and the lack of integrity that often exists in many of these spaces.

As leaders, this can often leave us feeling…
And quite frankly, like an outsider.

The good news is that you have a gift that not everyone has yet cultivated and that you’re actually here to bring MORE of to the world.

You have the ability to see and feel integrity - when it's there, and when it's not.

(This makes you quite the trailblazer **wink**)

And yet... Deep down you know, that as a leader, walking this journey alone just DOESN'T work. 

To rise to your fullest potential as a leader who is here to support the evolution of our world, you NEED to be surrounded by others who hold themselves to the same standard of inner and outer integrity that you know is possible.

You deserve to experience true connection and alliance with other leaders who genuinely want to support one another and rise TOGETHER.

This is precisely why we’re here.




A Community by Leaders, for leaders, designed to help you magnify your presence, deepen your service, and lead your purpose, your way.
The next Council begins in January 2025

What is TLC all about?

The Leadership Council is for conscious leaders who value integrity over image, connection over division, and collaboration over competition.


As a member of The Leadership Council, you'll have access to...

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Two x 4-Day Retreats, Hosted in February 2025 and August 2025 (lodging & meals are included.)

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90-Minute Council Sessions (every other week) to Mastermind & Receive Guidance from Ruby.

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Monthly One-Hour, 1:1 Coaching + Mentorship Sessions with Ruby.

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Four 90-Minute Guest Expert Masterclasses plus Q+A with Trusted Industry Leaders.

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On-Going Leadership, Life, and Business Support Designed to Align with You (no cookie-cutter formulas.)

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Access to Our Private Online Space for Connection, Accountability, & Collaboration Opportunities.

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“I have always been a lone ranger, but inviting community and business besties into my world has made my life richer. I have been so inspired and motivated by the Collective and have also grown personally into more of the person that I truly am. I could not have done this without Ruby or TLC. I would recommend the Council to anyone looking to step into their role as a leader, both within themselves and within their communities. You will not be disappointed.”
Kendra Perry
Online Business Strategist For Health Coaches+
Host Of The Wealthy Coach Podcast


You value integrity, congruency, and inner-work because you know that THIS is what creates the foundation for awakened leadership.

You are deeply devoted to your personal growth and are ready to delve further into yourself because you recognize that this work is essential to reach the next level of your leadership.

You prefer to show up for your mission in a way that feels aligned with who you BE, rather than following the crowd. 

You believe that in order to to create change in our world, we must first embody that change within ourselves.

You’re craving to be part of a collective of like-minds for genuine support, connection, and inspiration–a group of leaders who are determined to rise together.

You are humble enough to acknowledge your blind spots and seek support to illuminate them.

You aren’t here to add to the noise–you’re here to rise above it and set the example by BEING the example.




✔ A community of like-minded conscious leaders who are committed to rising WITH you.

✔ Profound clarity in how you’re here to serve and show up for your mission.

 Absolute alignment between you, your mission, your community, your clients, and your vision.

✔ A deep sense of congruency within your messaging.

✔ A massive internal shift from DOING to BEING so you can show up as an embodied leader.

 Consistent and sustainable momentum that will launch you into the next stage of your leadership.

✔ The know-how, confidence + conviction to continue to lead your mission and lead your movement YOUR way (and not theirs).

✔ A deepened and grounded presence that will be felt by those around you while bringing a sense of flow into your business.

“Ruby helped me make it possible. She didn’t make it possible for me. She helped me make it possible.

I had some things that I was unaware of that were holding me back that I really needed to breakthrough. What surprised me was how open and lovingly available the entire collective is. She curated this group, but it was the collective together that made this experience possible for me, to help me feel safe and trusted to bring up whatever it was that was creating those barriers, and to help me to start addressing those barriers.

Ruby is the real deal — what you’ve seen of her, what you’ve experienced of her is exactly what you are going to get. She will ensure that your collective will be thoughtful and attentive, and listen and hear you and create a trustworthy space for you to open up and become what it is that you are seeking to become.”
Lucas Root
Technologist, Community Builder & Leadership Coach+
Host Of The Elements of Community Podcast

Meet Your Facilitator

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Ruby Fremon is a gifted Spiritual Guide, Trauma-Trained Life Coach, and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in training.

She is also a Sacred Medicine Facilitator, NLP practitioner, speaker, and author of “Potent Leadership.” She has helped hundreds of leaders gain the courage to quit performing, uncover their potency, and lead their lives with integrity and intimacy.

Ruby, an expert on personal growth and deep inner work, is a passionate advocate for potent leadership, entheogenic medicine, trauma, and inner work. Her dedication to these topics has earned her a place on stages worldwide and made her podcast, Potent Truth, a top-rated platform for transformative conversations.

Ruby, known for her big heart, direct approach, and shamanic gifts, is committed to bridging the gap between practicality and spirituality. Her work offers conscious leaders and facilitators a unique opportunity for inner expansion and optimized trauma healing. Whether in ceremonial settings, one-on-one, or group settings at her live retreats or intimate group offerings, Ruby's service is a testament to her unwavering integrity and dedication to her clients' well-being. 

Ruby sees herself as an advocate for humanity. She uses her online presence to encourage her community to question the narrative and cultivate true sovereignty of mind, body, and spirit. She lives with her husband and their dogs in Austin, Texas.

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“A year ago, I was stuck in a cycle of trying to get it right and giving up before allowing myself to see the fruits of my labor. Really, I was more committed to self-sabotage than I was a success.”

Now, I choose what lights me up, instead of what I see others doing or what I think I should be doing. That willingness to trust myself and let go of needing to be liked has allowed me to create success in my business and fulfillment in my personal life. I’m experiencing my life on my terms better than I could’ve imagined possible before spending 2020 with the Thought Leader Collective. I’m forever grateful for this experience."
Confidence Coach


TLC 4 Pillars



Your presence can attract OR repel, whether you’re behind the screen, speaking on stage, or simply standing in a room. As a leader, your presence plays a massive role in your ability to grow a LOYAL community and create a movement.

As a TLC member, you will be guided inward to create profound transformative shifts. This will help you cultivate a deeper understanding of who you are. Simply put, you will leave this experience knowing exactly who you are which in turn, will make you more noticeable. This isn’t about becoming something you’re not–this is about unearthing all that makes you, YOU.

Unearthing your true presence requires coming face-to-face with your identities, programming, belief systems, and core values. This is so much more than just identifying fears and limiting beliefs—it is about facing your traumas so you can shed old paradigms while creating a NEW paradigm that serves you in serving your purpose.

This is about BEING, not DOING.

You’ll also gain branding insights to help you position your presence online and bring people into your orbit in an organic, authentic, and aligned AF way.




As a leader, your purpose is your fuel–the driving force behind all you do. As such, you must get clear on what you’re pursuing and why you’re pursuing it. You’re meant to feel passionate about your purpose, and it’s that passion that gives you the determination to overcome all obstacles between you and what you KNOW you’re here to do.

Most leaders often lose touch with the passion driving their purpose, getting sidetracked by others' actions, expectations, or their pursuit of the next big goal. Members of TLC devote time and energy to creating and maintaining precise clarity on their purpose to increase the magnitude of the impact they’re here to create.

The truth is… it’s easy to have a purpose. Most leaders struggle with taking persistent and ALIGNED action toward their purpose; alignment is everything. Your purpose and actions must align with your values, your beliefs, and what you stand for. This isn’t about doing it the “right” way–this is about doing it YOUR way.

Your purpose creates the motivation you need to build sustainable momentum with your mission, and TLC is here to assist you in staying laser-focused on making that happen.




While most leaders focus on acceleration and expansion, we focus on depth. We understand that in order to rise higher, we must dive deeper. This journey will offer you the space to nurture and grow your roots so that you become more anchored in your life, business, and mission..

To serve the world and do justice to the magnitude of your purpose, it’s essential that you deepen your roots so you can withstand all that comes your way.. This is about creating depth in your service, presence, and capacity to hold space–for yourself and others.

But this work isn’t easy. In fact, it will be some of the most challenging work you’ve ever done. You will be invited to face your traumas–the same traumas that are holding you hostage to your past and impeding your leadership.

Imagine feeling more at home within yourself than ever before... Imagine having the fortitude to navigate even the most challenging times with grace… Imagine being anchored in your purpose while confidently walking your Dharma… This becomes possible when you take the time to deepen your roots. 




As an integrity-driven leader, you’ve experienced first-hand how lonely leadership can feel, and you’re craving something different.

You desire support—but not just any support–the right support from people who truly understand the responsibility that comes with purpose-driven leadership. You want to connect with leaders who value integrity, depth, and authenticity over popularity, image, and “likes.”

You want a community that sees you and recognizes your gifts. You seek to connect with leaders who hold similar values–leaders who will cheer you on as you pursue your purpose and call you forward when you fail to see your blind spots.

TLC is a hive mind that fosters connection and collaboration. It’s an idea-generating space that helps each member rise higher while deepening their impact. We are a community of integrity-driven leaders deeply committed to walking our Dharma.

After all, we rise TOGETHER.

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“For the first time, ever, I can actually see what my future is — and I’m really excited.

A year ago I was stuck and felt very weighed down and very dense – a lot of self-judgment and self-expectation. I put a lot of pressure on my partner and reached a point where I couldn’t see a future. I couldn’t see how things could keep going the way that they were, and I knew that the only way that things were gonna change is if I decided to change.

Through working with Ruby and The Thought Collective, for the first time, ever, I can actually see what my future is — and I’m really excited. It just feels relaxed and fun and free.

Ruby helped me realize that I wasn’t allowing others to see me, that I was putting up a barrier by not showing up. I desperately wanted intimate connection — I wasn’t allowing someone to see me, so I could not get what I needed so desperately.Through working with Ruby I realized, ‘I am the cause.’ At the same time, I felt very empowered because Ruby helped me realize, I am the creator of my reality and I can create change."
Speaker, Writer, Ex-hairdresser + Founder of Inner Beauty School


Aren’t deeply passionate about their mission or vision.

Would rather learn more business tools than do the inner work necessary to embody their Dharma.

Believe that marketing and strategy are all they need to reach the next level of their leadership.

Care more about how they’re being perceived than the depth of their service.

Focus more on how much more they can earn than how much more they can learn.

Are more committed to being seen with influential leaders rather than connecting and collaborating with integrity-drive leaders.


Let's drop some truth bombs about what makes TLC different than another "mastermind" or "coaching program" you may have been a part of in the past...


✖ Another cookie-cutter coaching program, nor is it a mastermind that doesn’t really mastermind.

✖ A group that distracts itself with superficial wins and results, allows you to hide, or leaves you lost in the shadows when you’re “in it”

✖ A space for energy-takers, wallflowers, or silent observers.

✖ A tyrannical group that is overpowered by the thoughts, energy, and opinions of the “facilitator” 


✔ A council of leaders who are committed to being open, offering support, and showing up for others and themselves.

✔ An investment of time, energy, and resources. This commitment requires you to be fully present and fully engaged throughout the experience from the moment you invest in your seat.

✔ Influenced by the combined energy of all the leaders involved. (This is why we are extremely selective in the application process.)

✔ A space where the facilitator offers humanized leadership. Ruby and her guest facilitators are here to serve you in being the leader your purpose needs you to be. As such, all members of The Leadership Council must be open to all feedback, be coachable, and be willing to do the inner-work required to become an embodied leader.

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“This work absolutely was the catalyst that ignited me onto my path.

It led me through a rapid transformation to pursue my ultimate vision, purpose, calling and dream life.”
Jessica Forrest-Baldini
Data Scientist | Consultant | Innovator



Frequently Asked Questions