Kambo is derived from the secretion of the Amazonian phyllomedusa bicolor frog. These frogs have no known predators and are abundant throughout the Amazon rainforest. Many sections of the Amazon rainforest serve as protected land for these incredible creatures.

Amazonian tribes refer to Kambo as “hunting magic” and have used it for centuries to heighten their senses, energize their bodies, and boost stamina. It’s also used as a jungle supplement to treat infections, malaria, fever, and snake bites and to clear ‘panema,’ which means negative or darker energies or bad luck. 

The secretion of these frogs contains a potent combination of bioactive peptides and neuropeptides that offer powerful healing benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. Italian pharmacologist, scientist, chemist, and 2 time Nobel Prize winner, Vittorio Erspamer described Kambo as a “fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequaled by any other amphibian.” Vittorio was the first person to research Kambo in a lab setting and was also responsible for discovering the well-known neurotransmitter serotonin and identifying, synthesizing, and pharmacological studies of 60 new chemical compounds. 

The peptides found in Kambo are readily absorbed in the human body and perform a range of beneficial functions to prevent disease while enhancing and optimizing the nervous, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and immune systems.



The frogs' secretions contain a potent mix of bioactive peptides and neuropeptides, offering powerful healing benefits for the mind, body, and spirit.


Kambo has many different benefits, ranging from physical to mental to emotional and even spiritual. In its Indigenous use, it’s considered a medicine. However, in Western society, we cannot technically deem it a medicine, although anyone who has ever experienced its potency will attest to its ability to provide relief from physical ailments.

The peptides found in Kambo offer a promising treatment for the following physical conditions:

  • Allergies
  • Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
  • Anxiety
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Blood circulation problems
  • Boost the immune system
  • Cancer (tumors)
  • Candida
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Chronic pain
  • COVID ‘long haul’
  • Fertility problems
  • Gut and digestive issues
  • Heavy or painful periods
  • Lyme disease
  • Mold toxicity
  • Organ disease
  • Parasites
  • PMDD
  • Thyroid issues

Kambo also provides energetic support with the following:

  • Boost self-love.
  • Cultivate new perspectives and visions for the future.
  • Deepen self-awareness.
  • Develop a healthy connection to your body.
  • Feel supported through life transitions.
  • Gain the fortitude to face difficulties and adversity courageously.
  • Heal self-destructive behaviors and patterns.
  • Heightened clarity.
  • Heighten spiritual gifts and awareness.
  • Increase appreciation and gratitude for life.
  • Increase energy and stamina.
  • Process grief, anger, and other repressed emotions.
  • Reignite inspiration and creativity.
  • Release repressed trauma.
  • Release stuck, stagnant, and dense energies.



My Kambo ceremonies last two hours and are held with deep reverence. This is some of the most sacred work I do, and as such, I am devoted to creating a ceremonial space that feels loving, nourishing, and healing so that you leave feeling seen, supported, and held. I incorporate my trauma training as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner® to ensure your safety and to support your healing process.

Kambo is applied safely through small blister points called ‘gates.’ The gates are created using a natural incense stick and are not deep. Only the top layer of the skin is burned, revealing shiny skin similar to what you’d see if you popped a blister. 

For a basic Kambo session, 3-5 gates are opened. Once the gates are opened, you will be asked to drink 3/4 liters of water before applying the Kambo dots. Once the Kambo is applied to the gates, you’ll feel the effects within a few minutes. The effects come on strong but do not last very long and will dissipate within 20-25 minutes. 

You’ll first experience a warm flushing sensation throughout your entire body. After this, your heart rate will increase slightly, and you may experience a slight throbbing sensation in your ears and head. Your lips and tongue may also feel numb or tingly. From here, you’ll start to feel dizzy or lightheaded, followed by the onset of flu-like symptoms, where you may feel weak, achy, exhausted, and nauseous. You may feel the urge to purge, but it’s essential to understand that purging is not required to receive Kambo's benefits. The benefits of Kambo’s peptides take effect once the Kambo is applied to your skin and enters your system. 

Purging is caused by the activation of the chemoreceptor zone (area postrema) of your brain, which is triggered by introducing toxins in the system. Once the chemoreceptor zone has been activated, it stimulates the vomiting center to initiate an emetic response, which leads to feelings of nausea and can often lead to purging. 

The water consumed before the application of Kambo supports the process of purging, and what you purge is a mixture of water and bile. What you need to understand is that purging bile in a Kambo ceremony is simply the body’s emetic response while vomiting on an empty stomach. No scientific evidence supports the belief that toxins are being expelled from the body during a Kambo purge–that is your liver’s job, and it does this daily.

After the purge, you’ll start to feel the flu-like symptoms dissipate and will be left feeling relaxed and may even experience a bliss-like state. Most clients will regain their strength within 30-45 minutes, while it could take upwards of a couple of hours for some. But what’s for sure is that you’ll experience the benefits of Kambo the next day and will continue to experience these benefits for days or weeks after your session. 

The only exception to this is for clients who are navigating certain autoimmune conditions, Lyme disease, or mold toxicity, as these clients are at higher risk for a Herxheimer reaction, otherwise known as a Herx response. As your Kambo Practitioner, I will do my best to help reduce the impact of a Herx response and will provide you with my ongoing support for up to 30 days after the ceremony. 

I had no clue what to expect during my Sacred Trinity Ceremony with Kambo, but Ruby put me at ease, and I knew I was supported from initial contact through follow-up. She is an amazing facilitator who holds space in a way I have never experienced. My every need was seemingly anticipated and met–above and beyond!

My experience with Kambo was so profound! It helped facilitate getting me through the last bits of what was a two-year cancer wellness journey and so much more. My shifts and transformations since sitting with Kambo include relief of my breast lymphedema discomfort, dissipation of gut issues, my foot neuropathy is nearly gone, and I have more focus and clarity. I also no longer crave alcohol and no longer have night sweats and significantly fewer hot flashes.
My kambo session with Ruby was a transformative and cleansing experience that I highly recommend if you feel drawn to kambo.

Having experienced Kambo before with other providers, I thought I knew what it would be like, but the experience with Ruby was something far beyond my expectations and so much more gentle, supportive, and transformational than I’d previously experienced.

Ruby created and held a beautiful and intentional space. Her deep understanding of and reverence for the Kambo medicine and energy is very apparent. This helped me to relax and go deep into my cleansing experience. It was a much-needed energetic reset. I highly recommend working with Ruby in any capacity.


My private Kambo ceremonies are 2-hours, and they include the following: 
  • A 30-minute Initiation Session will be hosted via Zoom before your ceremony date. This session aims to connect and set intentions for your Kambo ceremony. 
  • A sacred, trauma-informed ceremony space (in my home), blessed with a prayer to support your intentions. 
  • Spring water + coconut water. 
  • Energetic cleansing with Sage and Palo Santo upon your arrival.
  • Sananga (eye drops made with Amazonian botanicals) to help clarify your vision and spirit. *optional
  • Rapé (Amazonian snuff made with medicinal plants, trees, and sacred tobacco) to help ground your energy. *optional 
  • 20-minute sit with Kambo.
  • Integration with tea/juice and snacks right after receiving Kambo. 
  • Up to 30 days of post-ceremony integration support via email and/or text messaging app. 
  • My coaching, mentorship, and psychic gifts to support your healing journey.

Unlike group Kambo sessions, this is a personalized journey where you will receive one-on-one support to help you reach greater depths in your healing process. 

Your investment for a single ceremony is $444.

If you choose to continue your Kambo journey with me after our initial session, you can choose the following package, which offers a discounted rate:

3 Ceremony Package = $1199 

FYI: The most effective way to work with Kambo is through a Sacred Trinity—three ceremonies held over three days or within a 28-day cycle. Working with Kambo in this way creates a potent reset of all your systems—mind, body, and spirit. This is especially effective at treating physical conditions and dis-ease in the body, as well as anxiety and depression. 

I also offer small group ceremonies (up to 4 people) by request. Tap the button below and share details of your group ceremony request in the last question of the pre-screen form. 


STEP 1: Tap the button below and complete the pre-screen questionnaire. 
STEP 2: Watch your inbox for an email with the link to sign the contraindications waiver.
STEP 3: Once I receive your pre-screen questionnaire and signed waiver, I will contact you with any questions or clarification. 
STEP 4: From there, you will make your exchange, schedule your Kambo Ceremony, and set up your 30-minute Initiation Session with me. 
Kristin Birdwell
Wow! This is how my body is supposed to feel and communicate! My body feels recalibrated and I now have the ability to listen to the signals it’s sending. Feeling this in tune and connected with my body brings tears to my eyes.

I experienced beautiful, healing insights and had a much-needed emotional release. I also loved the questions that Ruby asked as they helped build awareness and strengthen my connection to myself. Pretty immediately post-ceremony, I felt lighter and had increased mental clarity.

Ruby provided warm energy where I felt safe to allow myself to be held. Kambo and Ruby helped set a new baseline for my overall well-being.
Dajon Ferrell
I was nervous going into my 3-day Kambo Sacred Trinity with Ruby as this was my first experience with Kambo, but I knew in my heart that she was the person to guide me on this journey. Ruby guides with grounded strength but also embodies a feeling of Divine love and compassion. There was a steadiness in her presence and a beautiful flowy feeling to her energy.

The space she held felt safe and nurturing which helped me go really deep. I felt so supported by her amazing ability to coach me through the process.

I left feeling clearer, stronger and so supported. I experienced genuine gratitude for this human experience, I feel more connected to the collective, and my heart feels more at peace.
Ruby Fremon is the real deal. When I decided to contact Ruby I was going through the toughest time of my life. I was, by society's standards, “successful,” but truly, I was burned out and physically, emotionally, and spiritually broken. When I heard her on a podcast her story deeply resonated with me.

Ruby has a deep reverence for the medicine, the people she serves, and her own deep healing journey and personal growth.

If you are looking for a guide who practices what they preach and does this work with the utmost integrity to help you navigate and excavate the deepest parts of your being I cannot recommend her enough.
Tiffany Stukaloff
To be served Kambo in ceremony by Ruby is such a gift. The space that she holds is unparalleled. She creates such a safe space to soften and allow the medicine to work through you and with you.

Ruby was there through every step and answered all my questions. I felt her full presence, her undivided attention, on me and what I needed throughout the entire ceremony.

I highly recommend working with Ruby, and I cannot wait to sit with her in Kambo and any other sacred medicines in the future.
My private Kambo ceremony with Ruby felt very collaborative. She checked in with me often and my apprehension was mitigated by her calming energy and her patience in answering my many questions.

Ruby is knowledgeable, thoughtful, and highly intuitive. I felt safe and fully supported. She explained in detail what to expect physiologically. Understanding what was happening to my body allowed me to just let that be and pay closer attention to what was coming up mentally and spiritually.

Most of all, I didn’t feel like I was sitting with a practitioner – I felt like I was with an old friend who knew exactly how to hold space for me.
Trusting Ruby is easy to do. Trusting Kambo and myself as part of this work is not as easy to do. Ruby had a very intuitive way of gently stepping into my Kambo adventure with me, bringing us both into a sacred ceremony with honor. She supported my experience without intrusion, and allowed it to unfold naturally while offering her own insightfulness to help explore and integrate my experience.

Ruby has great respect for Kambo and in keeping it in tune with tradition. However, she also adds her own lovely 5 start touch of class in her care and her professional standards.

I am grateful to Ruby and Kambo, and the magic I received feels like unconditional love.



Ruby does not provide medical advice or claims. While clients do experience incredible healing benefits with Kambo and her other holistic offerings, these experiences are personal testimonials.

Tribal Detox
Proud to be a Tribal Detox trained Practitioner. Our focus as practitioners is to prioritize responsible Kambo application and client safety. Learn more about Tribal Detox HERE.